Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Who Do You Serve?

Over the past few years, I've developed a much better concept of what hymnists, poets and song writers have meant when they wrote words to the effect that "This world is not my home" or "I'm just a pilgrim in a foreign land." As my walk has become closer to Christ's (granted I'm still way off), it has become more and more evident that I don't fit in here. This world is not rooting for me, and my welcome has long worn thin. Things of this world make less and less sense to me because my perspective on life has become more Kingdom focused and less world focused. Thus, the world perspective just does not make a whole lot of sense to me. (And when it does make sense, it usually indicates that I wandering the wrong direction.)
Once again, I am referencing Alistair Begg's daily devotional. Today, he discussed citizenship and Ephesians 2:19.
This devotional struck with me with the thought that the Christian Walk is not just something that is "a good idea", "nice to do" or merely morally correct. If you view your citizenship as being of heaven and your ruler as being God, then you're at risk of treason if you are bowing down to or serving someone or something else.
Who are you serving today? Personally, I can only say, "Thank God for Jesus."

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