Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's not as if I had nothing to say......

I have not posted an entry onto this blogsite since October, but it's not as if I had nothing to say. As a matter of fact, I feel like my lack of blogging speaks volumes. You may be totally different, but I doubt it. But, do you find that right about the time you are settling into a pattern of good, healthy routines that involve either prayer, exercise, organizational skills, quality time with loved ones, eating habits, money budgetting or sleep habits, life just seems to throw nasty curveballs at you? My life has become so amazingly busy just out of the blue, and the pathetic thing is that if I really admit it, despite the busy-ness, I am accomplishing very little each day.
So, tonight I have elected to post something....anything.... and this has been just that.
Quite edifying, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Diddo! I am awful at setting good patterns and following through with them because I'm always getting sidetracked.