Monday, June 25, 2007

Silver Ring Thing 434

Apparently, there has been a youth group movement over the past few years called the Silver Ring Thing that is based upon I Thes: 4:34. It is a committment to service, relationship and abstinence until marriage.
Check out there website: Silver Ring Thing website.

Well, of course, service, relationship and abstinence is bound to upset somebody because we all know how terrible they can be when mixed together (humor intended - sarcasm). Sure enough, here is an article from regarding a girl who is in trouble at school for wearing her ring. Silver Ring Thing girl trouble.

I have read this on the heels of reading an article where a school district has made a formal apology for trying to edit a photo of two homosexual males kissing from their school's year book. Now tell me, has the world just gone nuts or am I missing something here?

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