Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Debt Free

My wife and I are currently undertaking a major overhaul of our financial habits by implementing lessons learned from Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace seminar. One of the keys to accomplishing financial peace is removing debt and the tremendous burdens that debt can cause.
In this world today, it is very rare to find an adult that does not have debt. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to find adults that are absolutely overwhelmed by debt. I have been there, too. It is a desperate feeling to see the bills come in every month and having the realization that I am not in control of my finances. What a nauseating feeling to see the pile of debt and recognizing that your monthly income is greatly smaller than your monthly expenses. It is no wonder that finances are cited as the primary reason for most divorces and in the top 3 of reasons for suicide. WHY? Because, when you are faced with such an ugly monster that you yourself have created, there often appears to be no answer.
If this is where you are today financially, I highly recommend that you take a look at what Dave Ramsey has to offer in terms of regaining control of spending and reduction of debt.

NOW, imagine if someone would come to you and offer to accept all of your debt, and pay it all for you with no strings attached, no IOU. Imagine the relief. Imagine how it would impact you the rest of your life. Imagine how it would radically impact your family. Imagine the absolute freedom that it would give you to be the person that you would like to be and to do things for the ones that you love. Imagine how you would respond to that person that gave you such a remarkable gift. Imagine the joy!

Jesus Christ has done this for you!
The ugly debt of sin that we ourselves have created, that has no answer, that is corrupting the peace of our lives, that is interfering with our ability to give of ourselves to our loved ones, that is so amazingly overwhelming, and that appears to have no end in sight, HAS been paid in full upon the cross.
So NOW, imagine the relief. Imagine how it would impact you the rest of your life. Imagine how it would radically impact your family. Imagine the absolute freedom that it would give you to be the person that you would like to be and to do things for the ones that you love. Imagine how you would respond to that person that gave you such a remarkable gift. Imagine the joy!
Here is an excerpt from Alistair Begg's daily devotion for today:
We are now--even now--pardoned; even now are our sins put away; even now we stand in the sight of God accepted, as though we had never been guilty. "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."(Romans 8:1)

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