Thursday, May 3, 2007

The World is Not Your Friend

Yet another daily devotional from Alistair Begg. As you walk further and further following Christ, it would seem that the walk would somehow get easier. I haven't found that to be the case thus far. Based upon the writings of some the Christian "greats", I reckon an easier walk is just wishful thinking. I don't recall reading anywhere in Paul's writings where he states, "Everything is going just great now. The Lord has blessed me with vacation, sunshine and plenty of relaxation. Yep. Everything is great."
This daily devotional explores the concept that "the world is not your friend." So, when the world is not treating hunky and dory, don't be shocked. It's not really your friend.

Expect trouble, then, Christian, when you look beneath you. Then look around you. Where are you? You are in enemy country, a stranger and an alien. The world is not your friend. If it is, then you are not God's friend, for whoever is the friend of the world is the enemy of God. Be certain that you will find enemies everywhere. When you sleep, remember that you are resting on the battlefield; when you travel, suspect an ambush in every hedge.

Take a look at the entirety of this daily devotional. If you get half way through it and start feeling discouraged, overwhelmed and scared, take heart. The ending is good. The victory has already been decided.

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